Sunday, May 3, 2009

Silken Hotel Puerta America

I can't even begin to describe what a nutty hotel we're staying in...

Have a look at it's website, like the hotel itself, its web presence is a phenomenal piece of design work...
here are some images of the hallway of the first room they put me in...

it's a study in stainless steel space-age triangles...

...pulled a primadonna move and asked to switch hotel rooms
Cause I was stuck in a room straight out of Star Trek
Something way too inhuman and way too high tech
It felt like a stainless steel space station dorm circumventing a distant moon
A study in sharply angled glass lines
A completely unnerving, uncomfortable, illogical design
dysfunctional mirrors, no floorspace, a stainless steel bathtub the size of a cattle trough
I don’t mean to be a critic detailing all the flaws I can rattle off
But there are certain basic laws to abide when it comes to hotels:
a) Build them for humans, not aliens
b) Prioritize what’s comfortable before getting conceptual
c) Make them functional and consider the basic lessons of feng shui
d) You might want some to use warm colors instead of cold steel gray

i had to get out of that room. It was like living in a room full of broken mirrors, and seeing multiple visions of yourself fragmented through a kaleidescope...

Modern design is pretentious when it intrudes upon my efficiency
I cannot be productive when my space is less than proficient
We behave according to our environments
And my space needs to make sense
I need to practice yoga for absolution
I need to perform rigorous ablutions
If someone’s claustrophobic they can’t be content
so I need a room where I can get bent and vent
…yogically speaking…
Vitality diminishes when you travel
In imbalanced situations our health quickly unravels
Unless we nurture it like a habit
Seed it like a virus
Clean minds only burn on clean fires
Trust in the techniques that teach sustainability and flow
We are only as good as the truths our bodies know
And apparent
Applying yogic approaches to my strange surreal profession
That at the heart of every piece of art there’s a therapy session…

I don’t want to live in someone else’s psychotic futuristic vision
Check out my new room:Made with more sympathetic grace and less mathematic precision… and there's actually some nice right angles and curved edges in it...

Peep the link above to the hotel’s website, it’s a colossal head trip. Every floor has been designed by a different team, and each room looks and feels completely different.
Countless aesthetics and compiled dreams
No two floors are the same
This hotel is a design vortex where many aesthetics reign…

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